
Today is my 6-month runnerversary!

My life has completely changed since March 5, 2012. When I changed from a sedentary lifestyle and began running, I took it fairly seriously. I recognized that to be the best I could it had to touch every aspect of my life. However, during the past few summer months, I felt like I was in a holding pattern and doing the same (boring) thing over and over.

I’m glad I stuck with my training over the summer despite my feelings, and I finally reached a turning point in the past week or two. I gradually noticed that I started to pull together proper nutrition, hydration, mileage, speedwork, core strength and other concepts to be not just better, but to truly be the best that I can be. Some of it I did purposely, but I was also doing some things without realizing it.

I can’t fully explain my summertime lull or why I’ve changed recently. It could be the general lack of races (and their corresponding excitement) over the summer here in Florida. It could be the summer heat. It could be that I was in a transition and my body finally got used to this whole running thing. It could be that I was fed up with feeling bored all summer. I don’t know if it’s mental, physical, or some combination of the two, and while the “why” is important for when it happens again, I don’t think I’ll ever know for sure.

Today I’m excited about the fall and I can’t wait to see where the next six months take me.

I’m also excited about the first Giants game of the season tonight. 🙂

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1 Response to runnerversary

  1. Happy Runniversary!! Great job sticking to it! I recently started running and am training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon.

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